
Lengthening Surgery

It is possible to become taller with a single surgery! You can change your life with cosmetic lengthening surgery. If you are not satisfied with your height, you can have a taller height with cosmetic lengthening surgery.

Cosmetic lengthening surgery is performed within a special plan determined by our specialist physicians after a detailed examination. After the operation process, it is supported by a regular physical therapy program. In this way, we offer you a special roadmap to achieve your desired height.

The answers to questions such as which of the different lengthening surgery techniques will be used, how much your height will increase and how long the process will take are determined by our specialist physicians after a detailed examination.

Cosmetic lengthening surgery not only changes your physical appearance, but also increases your self-confidence.

Take a step now and contact us to change your life and follow a longer height.

Our Services

We have brought together all the services you need during the lengthening surgery process within Limb Leng. We are at your side with our expert team throughout the process from your arrival in Turkey to your return to your country after completing your treatment.

What You Want to Know About Limb Lengthening Surgery

You can find out what you want to know about the extension procedure.


Prof. Dr. Muharrem İnan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Görgün

Meltem Çelik

Physiotherapy specialists

Osman Doğan


Burcu Yılmaz


Samet Can Doksar
