Deformity Surgical Procedure

The most common treatment in childhood is the placement of growth-guiding plates in areas of bone growth. These small plates straighten the bone in the desired direction.

This method is simple to perform and less risky than more difficult surgeries such as fractures and bone fractures. If the child is born later in life, and it is calculated that straightening by this method will not be sufficient, then the bones will need to be straightened by cutting them. This is usually the surgical method used in adulthood. X-rays are taken and a detailed examination is carried out. If the correction is made from which part of the bone, how many degrees of correction, what results will be achieved, and what the patient’s limb will look like are all calculated in a computer environment. The treatment plan is designed accordingly.

Within a cluster of deformities observed in both childhood and adulthood, the correction of such deformities necessitates bone cutting and fixation through osteotomy. The treatment plan is meticulously crafted to suit the specific needs of the patient.

Upon achieving proper bone positioning, the doctor introduces either an external or internal device to maintain the bone in its corrected alignment during the healing process. The internal device may take the form of an internal nail/rod or a metal plate. Occasionally, concurrent soft-tissue procedures are performed to enable the adjustment of muscles and nerves in response to the correction. Following bone healing, a second surgery may be undertaken to remove the internal device.

Alternatively, if an external fixation device is preferred, the patient is provided with explicit instructions and a schedule for adjusting the external fixator, gradually aligning the bone post-surgery. Once the healing process concludes, the external device is removed.

External Correction