
Health Tourism and Ethical Issues: The Basis of Trust in Health

While developments in health tourism are becoming much faster all over the world, the respect we show for ethical values in all processes in our clinic has become much more important. From the first moment you contact our clinic to the last moment when your treatment is completed and you return home, our team prioritizes ethical values in all steps and provides you with quality and reliable service.

Patients’ Rights and Confidentiality
In our clinic, respecting the rights of our patients and protecting their privacy is of the utmost importance. Our policy of keeping our patients’ medical information and personal data confidential provides them with a safe environment. We respect our patients’ private lives and preferences during the treatment process.

Informed Consent
We strive to ensure that our patients are fully informed about their treatment plan. We support our patients to make informed decisions by providing them with detailed information about the treatment process, potential risks, benefits and outcomes. The informed consent process increases our patients’ participation and trust in the treatment process.

Expertise and Competence
All healthcare professionals serving in our clinic are specialized and experienced in their fields. We constantly follow current developments and participate in trainings to provide the best medical care to our patients. Our physicians and healthcare team provide a respectful and ethical service to our patients with a commitment to ethical values.

Pricing and Transparency
We provide clear and transparent pricing for medical tourism services at our clinic. We ensure that our patients have clear information about treatment costs and other expenses. We avoid hidden costs and complete the treatment of our patients with a fair pricing policy.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback
In our clinic, we continuously work to improve the satisfaction of our patients and the quality of health services. We care about our patients’ feedback and take their positive and negative opinions into consideration. In this way, we further improve our healthcare services and meet the expectations of our patients.

Commitment to ethical values in health tourism is one of the cornerstones of our clinic. We strive to provide a fair, reliable and humane service to our patients. Gaining the trust of our patients during the treatment process enables us to establish long-term relationships and ensure their satisfaction. Our clinic will continue to provide the best medical care to our patients, prioritizing ethical values in health tourism.